How To Specify or Purchase a LumiFi System

Please follow the following steps to experience LumiFi:

  1. Register your project with LumiFi here.
    Request a proposal by providing your project information, including how many lights you want to control and what features, functionalities and look you like.
    - Provide us with your project information and project scope so that LumiFi can prepare a proposal.
    - Specify how many lights you want to control with LumiFi?
  2. Specify Lighting Hardware:
    - Identify what kind of lighting you have or need and specify the supported wireless lighting hardware required.
    - Refer here or drop us a note if you’d like the LumiFi team to identify the appropriate supported wireless lighting hardware for your project.
  3. Purchase LumiFi:
    - Purchase an on-site controller device. Contact us
    - License LumiFi for your IoT-enabled lighting hardware by activating your account.
    LumiFi will setup your project on the LumiFi platform and provide you with access.
    The per bulb lighting control license is charged either as a one-time fee or as a SAAS fee depending on your preference.
  4.  Deploy your system by installing the hardware and commissioning it.
    The on-site setup and commissioning should be done by a professional or trained IT installer.
  5. Access and control your lighting with LumiFi:
    . Access the LumiFi lighting management platform with your log-in credentials provided by your LumiFi Admin.
    . Download LumiFi's mobile Apps in Android or Apple and login with your LumiFi provided credentials or scan simply your profile access code.

LumiFi Onsite Controller Device

  • Pre-configured and packaged on-site device with LumiFi controller software
  • 3rd party off the shelf Android hardware Box by Anewish with 2GB memory and 8GB Flash with Dual WIFI 2.4GHZ and 5GHZ; Ethernet port
  • Each device manages up to 15 profiles; profiles can have unlimited lights and rooms / groups.
  • Version 1.0 supports Philips Hue and Xicato hardware
  • Over the air automatic updates
  • Device needs power and Ethernet access and has to be able to directly communicate if applicable with the manufacturer gateway.